qSoC – The OR1200 CPU

The OR1200 is a RISC-type, Harvard architecture (separate instruction and data buses) synthesizable CPU core, written by the OpenCores community.

It can be configured with a number of optional components, such as cache, MMU, FPU, timer, programmable interrupt controller, debug unit, etc. For sake of simplicity, I decided to disable most of the optional components, except the hardware multiplier and divider, all other features will be added if/when needed.

The OR1200 has standard GNU tools available, like gcc, binutils, and a few standard libraries, like uClibc and newlib. There is also an official port of linux available.

One of the requirements was that the CPU would be able to run with a 50MHz frequency on a CycloneIII – class FPGA. The hardware divider implementation used in OR1200 is a 8-cycle divider, which was on a critical timing path, and needed to be reduced to a 16-cycle divider, which, while slow, is still heaps faster than a software division implementation. The changes are in this commit: 01a18ffbbb86b074. There’s a testbench for the updated division code in this commit: 8232f830c60a1166.

There are other settings (defines) available in the or1200_defines.v file, you can tune some of them to get a better utilization or speed from the code. One of the things that I changed to get some more speed was the type of the compare used in the ALU (the change is in this commit: 337217f9511888c2).

The OR1200 version used here is not exactly in sync with the official OR1200 repository, as this core was split from the original a long time ago and changed a lot and the changes didn’t propagate back to the original repo. One of the important changes, besides some bug fixes, is the different bus – QMEM, replacing the original Wishbone bus.

With most of the optional components removed, and with the QMEM bus, the OR1200, as used in this project, is a nice, small but fast little softcore CPU.

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